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10 Reasons Why You Need a Custom Business Email

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(Last Updated On: July 15, 2024)

If you have set up your business website and are getting accustomed to the practices that lay a firm foundation for your brand, you must have heard how important creating a custom business email is. Other than serving the branding purpose, setting up custom emails lays great benefits in the field of SEO. If you are availing of SEO services, there’s no bleak chance that it can work without a custom business email.

You might be tempted to go with email clients like Gmail or Yahoo, but on a closer look, you’ll know it’ll cost you dearly in the long run. Even if you seek the opinion of a top SEO company, it’ll give you clear advice on having a custom business email that further takes the marketing efforts to the next level.

Besides adding to the professional outlook, it offers many other benefits that outweigh the cost it comes with. It adds to your content marketing efforts and allows your business to scale the marketing efforts.

Here are the top reasons why you must invest in creating a custom email for your business.

Add to your Business Credibility

Custom email adds to the credibility of your business. How? Let’s try to dissect it using practical examples. Whenever you receive a business email, how likely is it that you entertain it or read the entire content if it has come from a free email hosting platform? Not very likely, right? This is how your audience responds when you choose to pursue email marketing utilising the free email hosting platforms.

On top of it, most business communications happen via email, and if you haven’t channelised on the custom business email, chances are, your clients will not get to the bottom layer of your sales funnel, being sceptical of your brand’s credibility.

Appear Professional in the eyes of your Clients

Imagine transacting with a brand that sends every possible business mail from a free provider email account. What impression will it create? Not very great! Isn’t it?

Creating the right impressions is crucial when it comes to running a business website. And nothing’s better than projecting your business as a reliable and dedicated brand in whatever way you can. Creating a custom email is the first step in doing so that allows you to have a to-and-fro communication with your clients while adding to your brand’s credibility. Also, maintaining a professional and committed communication system is important when trying to win the customer’s loyalty.

Sign-up for Added Security

Keeping confidential information safe comes under the topmost concern of businesses. And sticking by the free email providers can never guarantee the same. Opting for custom emails helps you get the best security features. Whether it’s keeping the hackers at bay or discouraging the employees from sharing sensitive information outside the organisation, custom emails have supremacy over regular ones. Other than keeping the entire business communication intact and in a safe network, it discourages unnecessary phishing attempts that can be detrimental to the existence of your business if not given due attention in time.

Reduce the Chances of Landing up in the Spam Folder

If you are running a business and choose to rely on a free provider to send promotional emails or newsletters, knowingly or unknowingly, you are reducing your chances of getting success. By sending business emails from a free provider, you are more likely to end up in your client’s spam folder, which isn’t the case when you choose to send emails from custom business email accounts.

Wondering why it is so? When businesses don’t include the use of custom emails, their emails usually get blocked by spam filters. But when they involve the use of custom emails, it knocks the client’s email claiming to be from a known source and is less likely to get blocked by the spam filters.

Add to your Marketing Efforts

While you are investing in multiple marketing efforts to popularise your brand name, opting for a custom email is one cost-effective resort that can provide you with a multitude of benefits in a reasonable cost bracket. If you are planning to use SEO services to boost your online presence, custom business emails are a big boon, especially when you are planning to run an email marketing campaign to do your business promotion.

You are already compromising your business impression if you are sending emails from generic email addresses. Putting your business name and impression at stake is never recommended when you can flip it by taking simple measures like opting for custom business emails.

Assigns a proper Structure to the Organisation

Custom business emails allow you to assign different email addresses for every department with which you can organise your business processes in the best way possible. Say, for instance, you want to create a support email address for all the queries or support-related concerns; you invite all such emails to a dedicated email which will help you maintain clean and accessible records. This way, you can create separate email addresses for separate purposes and align your business process to get the maximum productivity out of it.

Apart from bringing consistency and flexibility, custom emails sign up your business for branding, which is any business’s ultimate need and necessity.

Enhanced Privacy and Control over your emails

Among the greatest benefits of custom emails is gaining control over the email. Not having access to the employees’ email addresses can be a big concern after they leave the job. Once you opt for custom business emails, you can ensure complete control over the data and confidential information they have. Also, you can turn on the forward alerts to ensure that no crucial information leaves the office system. No doubt, proper control and monitoring that come with custom business emails are a boon for businesses against a nominal fee that they charge in exchange.

Additionally, if you have engaged an SEO company, you’d be requiring thorough email tracking systems that come in handy with custom emails.

Access to more Storage Space

If there’s one concern that arises when dealing with email infrastructure- it’s running short of storage space. When you expand your business activities and get more and more emails on your system, it’s only natural to run short of storage space. But it isn’t the case with custom business email. When you choose to have sufficient investments in the custom email facility, you are signing up for better facilities and security, which doesn’t come along with the free email providers. You cannot worry about the space getting filled when you’ve got business promotion to do by sending bulk emails at once. Opting for custom email comes as a great resort when you don’t want to deal with the hustle of limited storage space.

Provide Unique email addresses to Employees

By creating personalised email addresses for your employees, you are not only providing them with a sense of ownership but encouraging their loyalty towards your organisation. Custom business emails help you create separate identity-based email addresses, which, other than facilitating proper structure and hierarchy in the organisation, helps employees conduct effective communication within and outside the organisation. It not only helps you keep a separate and proper record of every business activity but also assists in branding, which is an utmost requirement to succeed as a business.

Increases Brand’s Visibility and Recognition

Whenever you initiate the professional touch with a custom business email, you positively influence the customer and employee base. This helps you remain consistent and credible in the eyes of your prospects, making it much more likely for you to gain from them. Also, it demonstrates a sense of ownership and aligns you with stronger business values that further become a great encouragement for you to deliver with utmost diligence and commitment. SEO companies that offer reliable SEO services are of the view that custom business email is a prime requirement in getting started with the marketing campaign.

It also sends consistent contact information and creates differentiation from other brands to avoid any confusion among your prospective audience.

How to Set up a Custom Business Email

While many hosting service providers offer custom business email services in their packages, you can also opt for an independent email hosting service provider to run the show. Custom emails can help you gain attention and recognition and find the best possible arrangement for your specific business requirements, whether it’s restricting confidential emails from leaving your system or providing you with enough space to conduct your business communication.

If you are looking for the best options to avail of the custom email facility, Make My Website is one such option that guarantees quality work and premium services for your specific business needs. It is a renowned web design agency that offers superior website design, SEO services and custom email facilities under a single roof so that you don’t have to engage different agencies for different services, while providing the services to their client’s satisfaction.


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