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Lockdown: The Only Way Is Through

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(Last Updated On: March 8, 2022)
With Make My Website
Make My Website Workstation

We hope this finds you in the best of spirits. Adhering to the guidelines of the government, Make My Website office will be padlocked as per stage 4 restrictions till the 13th of September 2020 until further guidelines from the government. Following the government’s instructions is our duty while at the same time it is our prerogative to keep our services for you intact running smoothly. So, essentially it is only a bar on physical presence and the proximities of work in that sense as everything mostly remains the same.

Our Team Is At Work

While lockdown is an undeniable reality, our services remain uncompromised in the best capacity possible. Our comrades are on their marks to cater to all your website-related needs and enquires whilst working from home. Our conceptualization and executions with website solutions are in place to ensure our services delivered are as commendable as always!

Your Virtual Workstation Stays Afloat

You don’t have to lock-in your business operations in this period of lockdown, as we are here to help you diversify your brand’s working with digitally affluent platforms. Working with your website would keep most of your operations running and wouldn’t let you compromise on potential business whilst catering to your customers. Business doesn’t have to be conventionally physical in nature and can easily be accessed and expanded on digital grounds with assurance on every parameter.

Keeping Your Working Seemless

Our team is there to make sure that all your website’s requirements are met and business continues as usual in the current scenario too. Working doesn’t have to become tedious or cut your competency in the market. If you are taking precautions and delivering your customers in this period when businesses are winding things up, you’ll always be a step ahead in your realm of work. Taking orders online and/or delivering services when people want it the most will build a great image and good will in the market for you, which will definitely go a long way!

Services Fully Operational

All our services are in place to make sure that you are an invincible force in terms of catering and engaging with your consumer target groups. Contact us today to design a website with custom specifications under specially tailored packages, to make the most out of your reachability. Simply call/mail us and we can have a thorough discussion to understand your requirements better and design an exquisite website of your own to translate your vision into a reality.

More Information

Until further notice from the government, our team will be working from home and making sure the lockdown a little less stressful for you. For any further questions, don’t be hesitant and simply drop us an email or call. Our team will be happy to reach out.

We Are In This Together

Lastly but most importantly our team here at Make My Website will have your back in every situation wishful of growing and flourishing together. So, stay home and stay put while we’re very hopeful of moving past this the soonest. Until then we will try to keep you posted here on relevant tools and techniques so we all come out of this well-equipped with upgraded knowledge and skills.


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Born in sydney, Grown in melbourne

80% of websites were delivered within 2 weeks

200+ websites in 2020 (150 during covid)

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