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Top 15 Most Powerful Ecommerce SEO Tips to Increase Sales

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(Last Updated On: July 15, 2024)

SEO, as we know, stands as the prime force to get websites seen and noticed on the digital front. It could be the websites of any grade or industry.

SEO is equipped with best-suited tactics to find websites – the potential audience and ensure they get sufficient limelight to reach the desired goals and aspirations. And when it comes to ecommerce websites, availing of SEO services becomes all the more important to expand its outreach and make an impact in the outside market.

Do you own an ecommerce website and are looking for quick SEO tips to increase your sales? If yes, here’s your chance to get the best tips from our SEO experts. We at Make My Website – a renowned website design and SEO Company have been delivering success to our clients for over a decade and know what it takes to bring your ecommerce website right under the spotlight.

Explore the powerful SEO tips that must find a place in your ecommerce website.

Right Keyword Strategy is the Key

Playing with the right keywords is the surefire way of succeeding in SEO. The prime purpose of SEO is to increase site visibility. And what’s better than infusing the right keywords in your content that audiences enter in the search column?

The best way to go about it is to deeply analyse and study the competitor’s strategy before charting out the keyword strategy. However, you must remain cautious that you are not diverting towards keyword stuffing in an attempt to include relevant keywords. If such a thing happens, it can do more harm than good!

Top SEO companies suggest that while conceptualising the keyword strategy, do involve the use of sophisticated tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, MOZ, Google keyword planner etc., and you are good to go.

Keep your Audience at the Forefront

It goes without saying that every single business is thinking along the same lines and strategies when we talk about SEO. So what is it that can become the secret of your success?

It’s as simple as you read in the title – putting your audience in the forefront of whatever you think and do.

When every professional and entity performing SEO aims for the same goals and outcomes, the approach that sets you apart is to think from the user’s perspective. Including the same keywords they are likely to search for and floating the relatable content they would want to read would put you in the position of authority and higher ranking whenever they hit a Google query.

Keep a close tab on your competitors

Creating a winning strategy is not sufficient to make it to the top ranks in SERPs. You also need to keep a close tab on your competitors on how they are doing things and in what manner.

SEO companies are of the view that digital technology is evolving at its highest pace, and gaining insights from their well-thought strategies and actions can help you gain an edge over them when you apply your skills and knowledge after analysing the prevailing market conditions.

Create Compelling Content

When trying to gain attention and stand above your competition, one segment that lends the maximum contribution is floating relevant and compelling content for your audience. How well the audience is able to relate to your content and how effective your content is proving to be able to solve customers’ queries would determine their take on your brand.

To get the maximum leverage from the content strategy, posting fact-based and original content is the key. However, it is important to note that you remain consistent with the content posting, or else you’d lose the benefit you are supposed to get from the content marketing. Also, make sure to make your blog posts as authentic as possible so that you are able to establish genuine and long-lasting connections with your audience.

Website Speed

Among the technical SEO comes page speed optimisation. All strategies and tactics will fail if you’re not able to remain up-to-mark with the website speed. Imagine visiting an ecommerce website that gets stuck at every step and takes forever to load your chosen products. Would you be patient enough to wait for its collection to load on the page so you can proceed further? Probably not! The prime factor that contributes to your interest and engagement with a brand is the website’s functionality. And if it isn’t for quick loading speed, you will lose your potential audience in the initial stage.

Optimise the Images

While you may wonder, including vivid and captivating images is crucial to entice the users, but know that it is even more important to optimise them for better functionality. Large and unoptimised images can slow down the speed of your website, adversely impacting the user experience. Also, top SEO companies are of the view that optimised images contribute to a better ranking of the website, which remains the ultimate goal of every website. Optimised images provide consistent branding to mobile responsiveness, which is crucial to SEO services.

Include Video Content

To promote your ecommerce website, the best bet is to include video content. It’ll not only help you to get more and more public engagement, but enhanced product descriptions will also help you multiply the conversion rates that remain the ultimate goal of every SEO campaign. When users find video product descriptions or reviews, for that matter, it adds to their willingness to buy from the online portal, providing them with a safe spot to invest in their desired item or product.

Fix Broken Links and Ensure 301 Redirects

Broken links can be a big hurdle in utilising the complete benefits of SEO. If you have migrated your website from one domain to another or have undergone major changes and development in your website, ensuring proper redirects or fixing the broken links must be your higher priority. When users encounter broken links, they may perceive your website as unworthy or outdated, which can severely impact your brand’s credibility and reputation. To ensure timely measures, you must refer to a renowned SEO company to fix the matters and keep a strict check from time to time.

Create and Maintain a Crisp Website

Keeping a website updated in terms of layout, presentation, and content is important. Confusing site categories or improper section arrangement can confuse the audience and may discourage them from visiting your website. Keeping proper mechanisms, whether it’s placing the right products in the right categories or updating the website in terms of visual appeal and functionality, is something that cannot be overlooked. Other than impacting the user experience, it adds to the SEO tactics that lend its advantage of your website being ranked in the higher order.

Social Media Integration is Crucial

No matter how dedicatedly you work toward promoting your website, if it isn’t for social media integration, you are missing out on an important tactic that could take your website to new heights. For any ecommerce website, promoting their products or content on social media channels isn’t optional anymore. It increases brand visibility, leading to enhanced customer engagement. It lends a great contribution to driving traffic and becomes a great means for social proof and trust-building with the audience in general.

Optimise Product descriptions

Crafting engaging and persuasive product descriptions is important when working towards optimising the product descriptions. If you want to effectively communicate the benefits and value of your products, ensure they are optimised for every given element. It is important to study the target audience and then craft a description that would interest them. Focus on writing unique and compelling descriptions and strategically placing the keywords to boost the website visibility and provide exceptional user experience to whosoever visits your website.

Include Relevant URLs

Whenever you choose a URL for your website, make sure it includes keywords to make it well-optimised in the eyes of the search engine. URL plays an important role in deciding the rank of your website. The closer the URL is to the products and services you are dealing with , the higher the chances are for it to rank higher in the order. Also, choosing an SEO-friendly URL makes it easier for the users to relate to and apprehend what your website is all about. If you hire SEO services for this matter, it’ll be among the top steps that an SEO Company would pay attention to and would take certain measures to turn it to your advantage.

Don’t forget to Include Product Reviews

Building the trust factor is crucial when customers are making purchases directly from your store. And a significant step in this direction is collecting product reviews and ratings. This helps them gain genuine feedback and thus encourages them to buy products from your website. Also, SEO companies suggest that it’s a great way to naturally include the keywords and phrases that can organically promote your ecommerce website. Also, it helps increase user engagement and interaction with your website.

Be Consistent with FAQ Sections

When customers visit the website to buy directly from the online store, it is important to provide them with the clarity they need to make the purchase. It can be facilitated by including a relevant section of FAQs wherever you feel necessary. Whether it’s related to a particular product or a process they need to follow to execute a purchase, walking them through their doubts and queries will significantly improve their user experience and, therefore, lets you earn brownie points for your ecommerce website.

Last but not least, Focus on Backlinking

Backlinking is an important part of SEO, no matter the type of website you engage in. For the ecommerce website to realise its highest potential, it must be backed with quality backlinks. It helps it get the required attention and authority in the eyes of search engines and thereby gets the opportunity to rank higher. Backlinks provide social proof to the ecommerce websites and signal the users of your brand’s credibility to visit and explore it further.

Wrapping Up

Now that you’ve gone through the effective SEO tips to add to your website’s advantage, you can utilise these to amp up your SEO game. Also, this gives an extra competitive edge so that you can outshine the competition. Just like developing a product means nothing, if it hasn’t got the necessary exposure, implementing all the tactics and strategies means nothing if your brand doesn’t get the required visibility. And this is what SEO ensures with its carefully planned strategies and allows businesses to thrive in their full spirit.


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